

David Murray and Kahil El'Zabar
a surprise visit to Ann Arbor, tenor great David Murray brought percussionist
Kahil El'Zabar to the Kerrytown Concert House on March 30.
He is one of the most consistently satisfying players of avant garde jazz
and he did not disappoint this time. The Concert House is an ideal
venue for smaller aggregations like this one, furthermore I had a front
Murray has more rhythmic drive than any other
tenorist in the genre, yet El’Zabar added something to the performance.
The percussionist alternated between his drum set, congas, and a large
African drum. I found him most adept and original on the latter
two. On the second tune of the night, El’Zabar also grunted and
moaned in country blues style and on "Caravan" he added some appropriate
wordless vocals.
But the main attraction was no doubt Murray,
whose cascades of notes were mesmerizing. He is a master at building
tension with a power akin to that of John Coltrane. But he also
has his own lighter and more traditional touch on slower tunes when his
tone comes closer to that of Hawkins or Webster. Murray is a master
of the tenor because he seems to have complete command of the whole panorama
of sounds ever produced on the instrument. He played the bass clarinet
with similar mastery on one number. Murray produced a gorgeous round
tone on the large instrument.
After a furious, fast and powerful number in
the second set, El-Zabar pointed at Murray and said, "There are really
not that many cats playing at that kind of level!" I could not agree
more and so did the rest of the audience, judging by their enthusiasm
throughout the evening.
photgraphs by Lars Björn |